Intelli-Park is the market leader in innovative, intelligent parking solutions for
businesses and customers. We aim to provide our employees, customers and
our local communities, with what they need to work towards creating a more
positive future.
Over our business year 2023-2024, we boosted our commitment to
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ethos. This report demonstrates
that, reflecting our continued dedication to sustainability and responsible
business practices which align with our company’s, client’s and customer’s
beliefs and ethics.
We are committed to playing our part in making the world more sustainable; keeping environmental impact front of mind at all times.
Intelli-Park’s position of market leader and forward-thinking service provider is thanks to our valued colleagues that contribute to its success every day.
Ensuring high standards of business ethics and governance is important, not just to us at Intelli-Park, but also to our stakeholders.

Copyright © 2024 UK Parking Control Ltd trading as Intelli-Park. All rights reserved. Registered in England & Wales. Eastcastle House, 27/28 Eastcastle Street, London, W1W 8DH